Young men on the old man


Date: Sunday 18 October 2015
Visibility: Everyone
Duration: 4hrs
Participants: @JonnyC, @RichM, @AndyI
Tags: @JonnyC: Quality Hill Walking Day, @RichM: Quality Hill Walking Day


A pleasant autumnal wander up the old man and back


  • @AndyI achieved The Old Man of Coniston [Coniston Old Man] from the challenge Trail 100
  • @JonnyC achieved The Old Man of Coniston [Coniston Old Man] from the challenge Trail 100
  • @JonnyC achieved Climb the Old Man of Coniston from the challenge Forty by forty
Comment by @JonnyC on Wednesday 21 October 2015
Finding our Sunday slightly more free than originally intended we treated ourselves to a posh breakfast and drove to Coniston, parking in the top car park.

The weather was pleasant but not too sunny, which made this classic a rather popular destination. We took our time strolling up, appreciating the old quarry workings and infrastructure before stopping for a snack at low water.

Continuing on up hill the views soon opened up (as did the breeze), and before long we had reached the summit and completed the obligatory photo take for a random couple. We didn't hang around for too long at the top and enjoyed a brisk but quieter walk off.


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