A Draughty Pilgrimage


Date: Saturday 17 October 2015
Visibility: Everyone
Duration: 6hrs
Participants: @JonnyC, @RichM, @AndyI
Tags: @JonnyC: Quality Hill Walking Day, @RichM: Quality Hill Walking Day


Autumnal walk past Brothers Water, over Hartsop above How around to Dove Crag, a nice Dinner in Priest's Hole before dropping out through Dovedale back to Hartsop


  • @JonnyC achieved Visit Priest's hole from the challenge Forty by forty
Comment by @JonnyC on Wednesday 21 October 2015
Having toyed with many and various configurations for this wander, we ended up heading out of Sykeside past Brothers Water to the lower end of the Hartsop Above How ridge. We started our ascent which we took gently so as not to over exert.

We charged AI with the nav at which he did very well, he navigated us along various features and plenty of inclines and got us on top of the ridge. Having found our bearings somewhat, AI's eagle eyes picked out our destination feature on the north face of Dove Crag in the distance.

We eased our way around the shoulder and down through the saddle where after a brief breather we picked our way up towards Priest's Hole, what a wonderful spot it was too!

After taking some photos and adding some layers we started cooking some dinner, a welcome treat. Before long it became apparent that the cold northerly wind that was heading straight into our location was going to have a significant impact on our evening plans and despite several suggestions of poetry and story writing the prospect of cuddling up together for 14 hours until the light graced us again was just too boring,

Swift decisions executed we packed our kit, descended the scramble and under the cover of darkness walked our way back off the tops to the luxury of a couple of pints and pub quiz in the bar end bar at Sykeside, good choice boys


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